Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MysteryHistory Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MysteryHisto... Twitter: https://twitter.com/Mysterytweetery Steemit: https://steemit.com/@mysteryhistory Continuing on from our previous video, where Don discusses the amazing, and incredibly intricate artistic wonder that is the Kailash temple. Continuing on this note, we felt it a good time to cover another incredible ancient wonder, and indeed set of rock cut temples, known as Mada'in Saleh. Predictably a little shared enigmatic site, it is located within modern day Saudi Arabia. Purportedly dating from the Nabatean kingdom, 1st century AD, it is the southernmost settlement after the better known, yet no less impressive, Petra, made famous by the Indiana jones epics. In 2008, UNESCO proclaimed Madaʼin Saleh a site of “patrimony,” becoming Saudi Arabia's first World Heritage Site. 131 rock-cut monumental structures, said to have been built as tombs. However, they were cut with such precision, their existence is clearly a mysterious one. Very little is known regarding the ancient builders of these sites, the little we do know, was left on several mysterious and invaluable plaques, which adorn a select few of these rock cut structures. Although the insides of the tombs appear to have been rather crudely finished, the outer exteriors are clearly phenomenally refined. For a civilization, even a mere 2000 years ago, to have managed to create such precise structures, remains a tough thing for mainstream archaeology to explain. Just like the many other sites, puma punka, giza, etc, etc… they display a far superior level of ability, to that of which we are led to believe. And as always, mystery history presumes it is not the historic record which is incorrect, but rather the antiquity of these structures which is actually being hidden, their true age concealed, and attributed to a post cataclysmic civilisation… rather than their true creator. …The Nabataeans, the academically claimed builders, were quite advanced for their chronological position within history regardless, supposedly having a strongly democratic society, sharing wealth and land equally amongst the tribe. They also displayed an incredibly complex understanding of hydraulic systems. The name “Mada’ in Saleh,” or the city of Salih, is also interestingly associated with a very ancient prophet, also named Salih, which is also connected to an ancient tribe, known as the tribe of Thamud. Saleh is also the equivalent to a very ancient figure, mentioned within the Hebrew Bible. The tribe of Thamud, said to be the descendants of the Biblical Noah... However, the Thamud were also said to have become very corrupt, materialistic, and stopped believing in God. According to the accounts, this is when God sent prophet Salih to warn them that if they would continue in that way, they would be destroyed. A prophecy which eventually came true… To this day, the remains of the ancient sites are considered by some to be cursed. What do you think regarding the rock cut tombs of Mada In Saleh? Remnants left by a culture some 2000 years ago, with the use of copper and stone tools? Or structures left by a far more advanced, far more capable, ancient people. Whose entire existence is attributed to others, subsequently concealing it, here upon our planet. Thanks for watching guys, and until next time, take care. Nabataean culture: http://www.livius.org/articles/people... Nabataean Hydraulic Engineering: http://siuarchitecture.blogspot.co.uk...
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