Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MysteryHistory Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MysteryHisto... Twitter: https://twitter.com/Mysterytweetery Steemit: https://steemit.com/@mysteryhistory We recently covered the perplexing, yet little shared ancient artefact, which can be found at the ancient site of Patara, we covered the fact that some the inventions accredited to the romans within the modern day, may have been borrowed concepts, with origins located far within our distant past. As with the supposed ancient Egyptian sites on the Giza plateau, many ancient ruin contain megalithic blocks, who’s movement into position not only evades modern explanation, but lacks any detailed recording of the mammoth task, by any of these so called culprits for constructions. Rather, it seems a worldwide conspiracy has occurred, it is well known that history is written by the victor, maybe this isa fitting explanation for the academic ignorance witnessed on a daily basis. Perhaps its laziness on the part of academics? Put with the task of explaining these sites? Or perhaps, as we have detailed on many, many occasions, a covert effort to occult the truth from modern society, not only hiding the fact that a cataclysm did indeed occur at some point with human history, but that we are clearly not the most advanced to have ever walked foot upon our planet. Our claim is not made lightly, but upon the witnessing of talented individuals having their careers, and future opportunities crushed, at the hands of those who fund, and therefore steer academic study in the directions of their pleasure. The stolen artefacts which tell of this story, the vast documented efforts of the many organisations around the world, tasked, or rather funded to gather, pillage, or steal all such items… Merely to paint a picture they are told to. But the truth remains, human History is far more interesting than you have been led to believe. But be warned, paradigm destruction can often be distressing, and the popularly regurgitated, marketed phrase, “Roman columns,” after being presented with the following evidence, may begin to feel more like programming, than historically truth… The Baalbek Trilithon. A group of three horizontally lying stones, which form part of the podium of the Roman Jupiter temple of Baalbek, Lebanon. Numerous archaeological expeditions have gone to the site, starting in the 19th century, primarily German and French groups, and research continued into the 20th century. Each one of these stones is 70 feet long, 14 feet high and 10 feet thick, weighing around 800 tons each. And conveniently, each one of these modern academic studies concluded the same thing, completely absent of any explanation as to their placement. The entire foundation of these ancient structure is unexplainable, with a number of stones weighing over 350 tons, thus indicative of lost knowledge, not modern architecture. It should seem obvious that to declare otherwise would be foolish, yet this is whats witnessed all over the earth every day. And we are yet to mention the world famous, yet equally perplexing stone of the pregnant woman, also at Baalbek, and weighing in at an astonishing, 1000 tons. As Jiri Mruzek put it, quote, In 27 BC, the Roman emperor Augustus, supposedly took the unfathomable decision to build in the middle of nowhere, the grandest and mightiest temple of antiquity. Having no obvious reasons for selecting Baalbek as the temple's building site. The much greater erosion of the big Baalbek blocks, qualifies as material proof of their much greater age.” End quote. It seems that as we suspected, the evidence is mounting to support the far more logical claim, that an advanced lost civilisations heritage has been stolen, by different more modern civilisation, all over the world. A great civilisation did once flourish here on earth, one which has been actively supressed, stolen from, exploited and hidden… For far too long. http://vejprty.com/baalbek.htm https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baalbek https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stone_o...
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